Wednesday, June 20, 2007

*Sigh* I wish it were me....

First off an apology for not writing in the last couple of days... Seems me stomach had an invasion of dwarfs with flamethrowers so was not a happy chap... ah well all sorted now.

The folks Flew off yesterday in the wee hours for a pootle around France for three weeks visisting medievil towns and palaces, the beaches of Normandy, beauitiful countryside and of course much of Paris including the awesome majesty of the Louvre....

I want to go too!!!

I know I am possibly a little too old for a temper tantrum but I'm kicking my feet and banging my club on the floor in pure Jealousy!!!

They deserve the Holiday though. Nigh on three decades of putting up with me and 45 years at work has left my father saying enough! He wants to now build his classic racing motorcycles (yes note the plural we have 4 collectively, possibly more on that at a later stage) and maybe get round to fixing the damnedable 1976 Jaguar parked in the garage...

Happy Fathers Day dad albeit a bit late and I hope you enjoy the trip to beautiful France.

Cave Troll

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