Sunday, June 10, 2007

A movie note.

On good old SA tv last night was a well worn little classic piece of british comedy that should be required viewing for anyone that has a (more than) slightly bent sense of humour.

I am of course reffering to Monty Python's 'The Meaning of Life'

Holy snot but that was good and in my opinion a bloody good idea for all of those wondering what it's all about.

On a similar vein but into the book category we must of course insert Messr. Terry Pratchett and... well... Everything he's written to date! The man is a satirical genius that can play with all of humanities sacred cows. If i ever get to control the world his books would be bloody mandatory reading in high schools the world over.

That's of course as soon as i can get my little goblins out of the drinks cabinet and into something vaguely resembling an army so don't worry just yet that will only happen a couple of years down the line... heh heh

Cave Troll

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