Sunday, June 10, 2007

Rants of a football

Right after a 'fun' filled weekend working and watching the news (my gray hair count rose from 0 to about 459 365 in one half hour bulletin), I would like to ask any government or similar types out there a few questions about our 2010 world cup aspirations...

Please sir... *raised hand*

Me sir at the back.... *frantically waves hand and bounces in seat*


OOOOYYYYY YOU!!!! Government twits!!!

right so...
Firstly i understand the need to MAYBE build one or two new stadia to accomadate the maniacal legions in their persuit of watching the game but ummmm... how are they going to get there?
Oh wait they're building the 'Gautrain' between Joburg and Pretoria... ahh great.. yeah... what about this oddball stadium in heidelburg?? What about the legions of people coming out of Jan Smuts/Johannesburg International/ OR Thambo (this is all the same bloody airport by the by) and heading anywhere on Roads already so congested it takes 1 hour 45 minutes to do what should only be a twenty minute drive...

How many of these poor souls are also going to find themselves stuck in the middle of Hillbrow lost because of road signs that are about as intelligible as Linear A?? People, cardinal rule of south african life number 1: Hillbrow is not a good place to stop and ask for directions late at night... check that if you are suicidal, no matter what race creed or belief then fine go there but if you want to remain alive for the foreseeable future then kindly avoid the place at all costs... hell if a bunch of goths have to drive through there they make sure they're armed with nothing less the Bren Guns and RPG-7's and we are the ones people seem to be scared of?!?!?!?

And ah yes the crime... our dear sweet gvt thingy would have you believe that this isn't a problem... um we the country that makes mexico city look like a holiday resort for toddlers?? Pull the other one Mbeki its got bells on.

And somehow they want to make the 2010 world cup a success.. it won't be. South Africa will become a bigger world wide laughing stock since the minister of Potatoes... er I mean Health screwed up in Canada...

And the ball keeps rolling

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