Monday, March 3, 2008

It's shopping Jim but not as we know

With apologies to Star Trek

1) On being asked to join your Fiance, her best friend and her mother for clothes shopping find a way to duck out of it

2) When this fails it acceptable to fein injury or some chronic ilness

3) When this also fails dismally try to tell them that you will be at the coffeeshop, pub, banging your head against a wall and to meet you for coffee, alcohol, surgery after their shopping

4) This too will ultimately fail... sheer unadulterated hel

We just happenned to head off to the busiest mall on the planet at month end with braying harpies, overweight males and screaming monkeys... er children

Don't get me wrong I think I must be the luckiest male alive to have the fiance I do, we have the ssame tastes in music, clothes, movies, pc games and RPG's (I kid you not!) but....

Lets put it this way. She see's an item she doesn't like. I don't like it. We both know the other hates it. Yet she will still try it on and ask me my opinion... HUH??

Maybe I'm too much of a knuckle dragging member of the male species to fully comprehend all that is a lady in full shopping mode but I would much rather have been relaxed in the pub nursing a pint of the black stuff and swearing at the paer...

*sigh* I love her too much to say no