Monday, April 21, 2008

Lack of posting, Iritation and good stuff

Firstly an apology to all five of you for such a serious lack of posting. Have been up to my eyeballs in work and pet emergencies and birthdays etc…

Oh and hopefully avoiding my birthday for a while…

As for the rant on the political side of living in this pronounced hellhole.

Thabo Mbeki has announced that there is no crises in Zimbabwe and the boatload of bloody great RPG’s and AK47’s sitting in our harbour are not destined for Zim (they are) which is not on the bad boys list of human rights violations (Ahem yes they are)
And were not in fact ordered by Robert Mugabe to assist with his ballot stuffing intimidation of the voting recount or runoff in Zim to win what has already been lost…
I haven’t posted any links to this due to the outrage meter having been broken aand the needle has broken the sound barrier in its revolutions around the gauge.
Its things like this that make me feel that political assassination definitely has its place in modern society

On to more cheerful news
Tomorrow will be looking at an engine for a 1934 Rudge Ulster to rebuild.
For those who don’t know thir classic and vintage motorcycles this was a multiple top three contender for the Isle of Mann TT and GP events back in 1934.
Have included a pic of what it will hopefully look like should I complete it